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Hits: 864
Bowls England
Bowls England is the National Governing Body (NGB) for the sport of Flat Green Lawn Bowls in England. It was formed as a company limited by guarantee on 1st January 2008 following a unification of the English Bowling Association (EBA) and English Women's Bowling Association (EWBA).
Hits: 992
English Short Mat Bowling Association
The origins of short mat bowls are shrouded in mystery. Rumours have it that the sport was first played in Wales by two South Africans who came to work in the area. They had played bowls outdoors in South Africa and, perhaps due to the poor climate and the long close season in this country, they began to play a simulation of the outdoor game on a strip of carpet in a church hall.
Hits: 734
English Indoor Bowling Association Ltd
Staying active most definitely benefits health and well–being in later life. Playing the sport of bowls for a minimum of 30mins per week will keep people active both physically and mentally. It provides social interaction and the opportunity to have fun as well as the chance to play competitively at both club
level and to a higher level if so desired. Bowls can help people to live longer, healthier and have more fulfilling lives.
Hits: 806
Bowls Oxfordshire
The Oxfordshire Bowling Association was founded in 1907 to bring together under one association all the bowls clubs then existing in Oxfordshire. The first President of this Association was the 7th Earl of Jersey (V.A.G. Child-Villiers) representing the Middleton Park club, who had previously played with the Royal New South Wales Bowling Association in Australia, where he was Governor.
Hits: 755
Oxfordshire Short Mat Bowling Association
Short Mat Bowls in Oxfordshire started in earest when the Wantage and District League was formed in 1985 with five teams and thirty-six members. The original teams all came from three clubs, two each from Challow British Legion and Didcot Conservative Club with one from the Harwell Police Club.
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